Epi 75 Pat Lackenbauer of Movin’ Air Podcast

Pat Lackenbauer is a fellow podcaster based in the Kitchener Waterloo area of Ontario. Like myself, Pat wanted to do a podcast that revolve around story telling and how personal experiences make us who we are today. Pat is an expert at extracting a clear, defined and well told story from whomever he’s interviewing.

Pat started out early in life as an artist where he turned his talent into a career for a period in his life. He also has dabbled in concert promotion, running a record label and was a light technician for bands in the earlier parts of his life. He now manages and sound and music store called Sherwood Systems in Kitchener Waterloo. One of the larger stores in the region.

we talked about what it was like then for us making our lives work in art and music and what it’s like in todays age of technology and digital clutter. We also talked about what it was like to start a podcast in the golden age of podcasting. A nice chat with my new friend. Thanks Pat!!

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