Simon Head:
Hey, I’m Simon. I’ve been a sound engineer, a guitar tech, a tour manager, a driver and sometimes all of them put together.
Check out my Podcast Apologue Podcast. Its a weekly podcast devoted to music industry types, musicians and life changers.
I started touring in the early 90’s, getting paid no money and learnt as I worked.. I also have played in a few bands like Four Square, Red Fisher, Two Line Filler and Trigger happy to name a few. Being in Four Square allowed me to travel to Europe 6 times. We released four albums and one EP in Japan, Europe and Canada with five or six labels all over the world.
I’ve tour managed bands like Sum 41, Voivod and too many to mention. I’ve done live sound for bands like SNFU, The Descendents and the before mentioned bands. I’ve also recorded 100’s of bands all over Canada. In the early days, I used to load all of my gear into an old van and travel coast to coast recording punk bands in their basements.
In the past three years, I have transformed this podcast into a production company. The first project I have just completeed is SUBVERSIVES | the History of Lowest of the Low. This Website will start focusing more on my video projects. The old studio website will be folded into here as well
Thanks for checking out the podcast!
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