Cold Weather Captains are a Toronto-based high-energy rock band known for their funky and eclectic sound. The group was originally founded in 2018 as a unique instrumental trio featuring Bradley Scott (lead guitar), Erik Meechem (rhythm guitar), and Kevin Penny (drums). Shortlyafter the release of their 2021 EP, City Limits, CWC quickly morphed from laid-back jam band to a fully rounded pack-a-punch machine with power-house additions to their lineup – magic man and lead vocalist, Justin Di Donato, and high-kicking bassist, Christina Dare.”Cold Weather Captains’ self-titled album stands as a testament to our collective growth and unity as a band. We hope that our listeners, inspired by the themes of embracing change, navigating transitions, and fearlessly venturing into the unknown, will join us as we cross the threshold into a new era of artistic expression and the limitless possibilities that hopefully await us”.
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