Mud Creek Christian School
A ministry of Mud Creek Baptist Church 
Elementary School Guidelines

What's a "Mud Cat"?

  • Schedule: Students may arrive to their classroom between 7:50 and 8:00. Class begins at 8:00 A.M. and concludes at 2:45 P.M. Elementary classes will follow the same calendar as the local public schools and will observe the same holidays, teacher workdays and weather-related closings.
  • Arrival and Departure: Parents may find it more convenient to use the entrance ramp to the school via the side front of the church. The first grade classroom is in room B-205. Parents should escort children safely to class and pick children up at the classroom entrance in the afternoon.
  • Lunch: Students should bring their own lunch and beverage. Lunches will be refrigerated, and a microwave is available for heating.
  • Illness: If your child becomes ill while at school, you will be contacted. Please come to the office and sign out your child. Your child will be called to the office or may be awaiting your arrival. Please keep your child’s teacher informed of any change in emergency contact telephone numbers.
  • Late Arrival or Early Departure: Please sign-in and sign-out your child at the office if arriving late or departing early.
  • Computer Lab: Students are scheduled to regularly use the MCCS computer lab. Instructional personnel assist students with keyboarding and computer skills.
  • Physical Education: Students have daily vigorous exercise, fresh air and outdoor play, weather permitting. Physical education is taught in the gym or outdoor play areas during the week by the school’s PE specialist.
  • Reporting to Parents: Parents will receive progress reports every 9 weeks and will have scheduled conferences with the teacher. Parents are encouraged to attend whenever possible and to schedule a conference with the teacher as needed.
  • Textbooks: Textbooks and consumable workbooks are provided to students in the first grade. Above first grade, textbooks (most are paperback and consumable) are purchased by the students and are theirs to keep.
  • Dress: Students should dress appropriately for school and for active participation outdoors or in the gym.
  • Absences: A note explaining the reason for absence should be sent to the teacher the first day the student returns. Responsibility is learned through good attendance.
  • Behavior: Misconduct hampers the learning of others and takes away from teaching and learning. When disciplinary steps are exhausted, the student will be withdrawn from attendance at MCCS.
  • Christian Education: The curriculum will include classroom devotions, prayer, Christian Bible Study and Chapel Services when held. Parents who do not wish their child to participate in these activities should not enroll in MCCS. Exclusion from these activities is not an option.
  • Special Education Services: Limited special education services may be available as provided through the local public school system. MCCS does not receive Federal or State funds and is not able to provide extensive services to special needs children.
  • School Photographs: School pictures are made in the fall and are delivered in time for Christmas. Purchase is optional and prices vary according to the selected package.
By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible. Hebrews 11:3 (Read or Listen)
